The House Finch helps clients make the most of the areas in which they live and work since everyone deserves a tidy nest.
We can help organize any room of your home or business.
Below are a few stages of life where The House Finch specializes.
Busy Family
Whether you want to deal with those messy closets, swap out seasonal kids’ clothes or need a playroom overhaul, The House Finch can help. Allow us to guide you in optimizing your storage and leave you with happy spaces for your family to enjoy.
We acknowledge that many of you are fully capable of organizing, but either don’t have the time or need a bit of nudging. We’re happy to be your motivator.
Empty Nesting
Have your children have moved away and left you with lonely rooms in your home? Allow us to help re-purpose your spaces to fit your new life. The House Finch can make room for new hobbies, grandchildren or just create nice neat rooms without clutter. We’ll help donate and sell any belongings that are just too good to be recycled or trashed.
Taking time to get organized now will clear your mind to make plans for your future!
Whether you’re buying, selling or moving into a new rental, this is the perfect opportunity to assess your belongings and decide what’s worth bringing along. We’ll help you sort, purge and do some light packing to help you get ready to make a move.
We also love being a part of the “unpacking” process and can help optimize storage areas, getting you settled into your new home quickly.